Adventure Funding
Troop 120 has several ways to pay for dues, trips, events and outings.
Read BSA’s Fiscal Policies and Procedures for BSA Units
Scout Accounts
Scouts earn money into their scout accounts by participating in different fundraisers such as popcorn sales and camp card sales. If you would like to use your scout’s scout account to pay for something you must let the troop treasurer know.
Check or Cash
You may pay with these tried-and-true methods. Make checks payable to BSA Troop 120.
Venmo @BSATroop120B Pay on Venmo
You can make camping and other payments using Venmo. Merchant fees are waived for payments that don’t use a credit card. You must make payments via the Venmo app. When paying, you must include SCOUT NAME and EVENT NAME with your payment in the ‘What’s it for?’ section.
To pay, download the app and add BSATroop120B as a Venmo friend. Alternatively, you can click the button below to go to the Troop 120 Venmo page.
Credit card payments will incur merchant fees.
We use a reader for PayPal payments. PayPal has recently increased their fees to 3.49% and $0.49 per transaction. Fee Calculator
We’re not there yet.
Donate via PayPal
If you’re feeling generous for a great cause you can donate to Troop 120 through the PayPal link below.